Friday, August 29, 2014

Competitive Soccer-Team United

After Chloe's "Fiesta" it was time to play some soccer. We finally made the move and got her on a competitive soccer team. It was kind of hard finding her a team-she tried out for one team and we just decided we weren't happy about the monthly fees and other costs associated with it, so we kept looking-we just weren't finding any teams with openings that were for her age group. So we decided to let her try out and play on an older team that had openings-that was the plan. Then a few days before team sign ups we got a call from the team we had really wanted Chloe to play on-they told us they had a girl who wasn't going to re-sign with them and that if Chloe wanted the spot she could have it.Yeah!!!-she wouldn't have to play up and would have at least 1 friend on the team-plus really good coaches and fees that we could agree with.
So that's the long story. Her team played their first game Saturday afternoon. Her team name is 'UNITED'. They did great. They won 8-1 and guess who made the last goal of the game? Yep you guessed it our little Chloe. She was a little bit reserved the first part of the game, but towards the end her competitive spirit was starting to show through. I'm sure as she works more and more with her new team and coaches she will get more comfortable and we will see her grow and progressive into an even more aggressive and skilled player. Can't wait!!! Love our Soccer Star!!!

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