Monday, August 4, 2014

Big Boy Bed

 When Bryce was younger we would put him in his crib and he would go to sleep sometimes he would cry for a little bit, but eventually he would still sleep. Then it was like all of a sudden he just refused to sleep in his crib he would cry seriously some nights for an hour or more with no sign of stopping. Tanner would rescue him and take him to bed with him...once that started there was no getting him to sleep in his crib-if he even sensed you were headed towards it he would start freaking out and screaming and crying for his "NAN" (Tan). We decided to get rid of the crib and set him up a "big boy bed" right next to "NAN". Although he liked the concept of his new bed and was pretty happy about it.....

this is where he usually still ends up every night!!! Snuggled up to his best buddy. He loves his big bro!!!

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