Saturday, August 16, 2014

18 Month Check-Up

 Last week on Wednesday Bryce had his 18 month checkup...the doctor said he is looking good. Tall and Skinny. He is only in the 3 percentile for his weight but is in the 72nd percentile for his weight. He is way ahead on most of his milestones-especially in his language and communication skills. He still doesn't sleep through the night, but seems to be getting better. He still drinks a bottle a lot-he loves milk! So the doctor does want me to cut back on that and get him switched over to a sippy cup.
A few things about Bryce at 18 months...some of his favorite things right now minions, ninja turtles, and sea animals. He has added some fun new words to his vocabulary-turtle, leo, minion, seal, whale, bear, fish. He is fiercely independent and has started climbing on everything-I have to really be on my toes. He loves to read books and watch little you-tube videos on the computer especially if they have minions, turtles, or sea animals in them.

 This is what he does when Chloe tells him to do his cheesy smile-what a ham.
 He couldn't be loved more and we are so glad we have him.

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