Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tanner's Last Basketball Game of the Season

Man I am getting behind on my blog-it could be the fact that the house is completely tore apart as we do some remodeling, but more on that later.

Anyways two weeks ago Tanner played his last basketball on the season. He actually had one last week but wasn't able to play cause he had a baseball tournament. Then he has one this Saturday but won't be able to play because we will be out of town.

Tanner played a great game...It was really close I think in the end they ended up losing by a few points or maybe they won haha I can't remember it was back and forth the whole time though. As we sat watching him Landon and I discussed how much Tanner had grown that season-in more ways than one. For one he has actually physically grown he is now bigger than me, if you haven't seen him for awhile you will be amazed the next time you do, but he also has grown a lot maturity wise as well. The way he carries himself of the court and just acts there is a huge difference. He is also confident when he is out there and not the shy timid little boy he used to be when playing basketball. It was a good year for him, and he really enjoyed playing this season. I guess we will see what happens next year as he will be old enough to try out for the freshmen team-YIKES that is a scary thought.

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