Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tanner School Projects

 Tanner had a couple of projects he had to do for school. The first one...he had to build a bridge completely out of toothpicks using only regular elmers glue. It had certain specifications like it couldn't be wider than 3 inches or thicker than 2, it had to be able to span an 11" gap, and have a hot-wheels car drive across it. Then at school they broke them by seeing how much weight it could hold. It was a little harder than you would think, but he got one built.
Then second project was for his honors math class. They had to chose a normal everyday object and make it to scale either 10x bigger or smaller than it was. Tanner chose a pack of gum. Luckily he has a great Dad who gave him quite a bit of help and guidance on this project. It turned out really well...and he got 100%. His teacher also asked to keep his as a demonstration for the next year.
Glad those projects are both out of the way-of course they were both due within a day of each other ;)

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