Sunday, March 23, 2014


The past three weekends we have attended a lot of baseball games. Tanner has had games every weekend. Two weekends he played in tournaments and then yesterday he played two scrimmage games with a team from up north.
For the most part his defense has been exceptional, but he has struggled a little bit with his hitting. This last game was better as he seemed to be trying to be a bit more aggressive.

Bryce is always happy if he is at a ball game-
He is a baseball addict at just over 1 :)
 Last weekend I had to take Tanner to Overton, NV for a few of his games. Luckily my Grandma rode down with us to keep me company.

 Look at this cute little dragon sharing some treats with his sister.

 This weekend we had company in town, so Tanner had a big cheering section with all of his cousins and siblings in attendance. Aunt Brenda and Grandma Tawny and Jeff were able to attend some of them as well.
 Bryce is just as big as the rest of the gang!
 At Tanner's last game Bryce made a little friend who was about 6 weeks older than him, and they were attempting to play catch-it was so cute.

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