Friday, June 7, 2013

Bouncing Baby Boy

I bought this jumparoo for Bryce awhile back. The first few times I put him in it he bawled. It was just to much for him. I was worried he wouldn't like it and I really wanted him to. Well that has all changed, now he absolutely loves it. When we put him in it he is like a crazy child. He jumps and jumps. Sometimes he is bouncing so hard and fast I'm afraid he will give himself shaken baby syndrome. The kids think it is the greatest. Yesterday the kids were jumping on Chloe's mini tramp while Bryce was jumping in his jumparoo and he was laughing his head off. We love our little bouncing baby boy!


mandy85 said...

Oh he is just getting so big so fast. I feel like I miss out on a lot of stuff because I am so far away. Love you all.

Abby and Brenda said...

He is so cute - I love how excited he is!