Wednesday, June 12, 2013

19 weeks old

I managed to keep these overalls on him at least long enough to get these pictures-ha ha. Tanner doesn't like him to wear them. He doesn't really like me to dress him like a baby. The other day I came in the room and couldn't figure out what was different about Bryce and then I realized he had magically changed out of his overalls into his Nike onesie. Hmmmm I think brother and sister were involved.
He is such a joy to us all. He is becoming way mobile and we now have to be careful where we put him. I learned the lesson the hard way the other day when I put him in his swing without strapping him in-oops I won't make that mistake again! He has also started fighting going to sleep, it could have something to do with missing out on all of the fun brother and sister seem to be having.

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