Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast

Today the Kindergarten had their annual Thanksgiving Day Feast. Chloe was quite upset that her class had to be the Indians while the other class was getting to be the Pilgrims. She told me she wasn't going to wear her costume. Well she did wear it for a few minutes and then again for some pictures, but she took it off as quickly as possible.

They had a full course Thanksgiving meal including the pumpkin pie. Then they had different centers they went to around the gym. Including turkey bowling with a pumkin and pin the hat on the turkey. It was fun to watch and it seemed like all of the kids had a good time.


Kaysie said...

cute! haha. why didn't chloe want to be an indian. she looks so cute with those feathers :)

mandy85 said...

That looks like alot of fun.