Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Going to the Chapel

Chloe has been asking me for forever to get her a play wedding dress. But if you know me and my thrifty shopping I just couldn't fathom spending the $24 to $30 that different places wanted for a dress up dress. Well Chloe was on luck I found a Halloween Wedding Dress on Clearance regular $20 for only $5. Now that I could pay. I bought it and put it on the kitchen table when she got home from school it was the first thing she saw and she just got the biggest smile on her face and said is this for me. That night I asked her what the best thing about the day had been and she smiled and said "The Wedding Dress". Needless to say she has been wearing it for the last 2 days straight.

1 comment:

mandy85 said...

that is cute to bad there wasn't another one.