Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Camp-Out

We went camping with my family over Memorial Day at Otter Creek. It rained and poured the first day and a half. Luckily we had the my dad and mom's motor home to hang out in part of the time, and that there was a small laundromat at nearby camp ground with a dryer we were able to use. After that the weather was nice, and the fishing okay. We had a birthday party for Chloe, my mom, and Cody. We also played some horse shoes and cards. The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins. We only had one small problem with a crazed women on the beach where we actually ended up with the camp ranger down there to escort her away (sounds like something that would happen on an Ellison campout not a Gentry one. haha jk). Other than that the fishing was good, and we had a yummy fish fry one night.
Thanks to everyone who came it was lots of fun spending time with the fam.


mandy85 said...

It was a fun trip with the family. I didn't even mind the rain because at least when it was raining we were catching fish. I am glad everyone could make it and had a good time hopefully next time we can have our sites closer together.

Abby and Brenda said...

I about died laughing about the crazed woman - what happened? It does sound like something that would happen on an Ellison camp out!