Friday, September 25, 2020

MRI and Scope

 During pickleball league one day I jumped up to hit a ball and felt something tear. I came down and couldn't put weight on it for two days. I thought for sure I had torn my ACL again. I went to a doctor and he didn't think it was my ACL, he thought it possibly might be meniscus but he wanted to give it a few weeks to see if it got better on it's own. Well unfortunately that didn't happen so he finally scheduled me to have a MRI done-and sure enough there was a tear in my meniscus (a pretty bad one) Lucky me-looks like surgery in the near future.

The same week I had my MRI Chloe was scheduled to have a scope on her throat. She had been having some symptoms where it would hurt her to swallow and also some stomach pain. The doctor thought she might be having the same thing Landon was last year, so he wanted to check it out. He did the scope and was surprised to find her throat actually looked really good, but he did discover that she was lactose intolerant. We aren't 100 percent sure but we are thinking that her problems with swallowing and stuff had to do with possible reactions, flem and stuff, from the lactose intolerance. 

I'm grateful that we have good insurance that will cover things like this when we need them done, and glad that doctors and hospitals opened back up with COVID they shut down for awhile and weren't doing anything unless it was an emergency type situation. 

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