Sunday, September 27, 2020

Softball Weekend and a Rocky Start to Vacation

Chloe had a softball tournament and it proceeded Landon's family reunion. Since the family reunion was a campout we decided to just tow our trailer to the tournament and stay in it and then continue on to the reunion. We had purchased a brand new trailer, the second one in a new business venture we had started, and we were excited to take that with us and test it out. Imagine our dismay when we traveled 4 hours from home and the slide out would not work at all-it literally would not budge. To say we were frustrated and upset would be an understatement. Landon was livid. He called the dealership and told them to have us a replacement there by the next day. Luckily they complied and we were able to restart the weekend on a better foot. 
I guess you can't go wrong with softball and snow cones during the day 

and some spike ball in the evenings.

Now it's time to head to the reunion. 

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