Saturday, September 26, 2020

Telluride Softball Camp

 My Mom and Jeff bid on a softball camp in Telluride, Colorado at a fundraiser they attended and ended up winning it. It was for two people, so Chloe got to choose a friend to take along with her. Of course she chose her bestie Vanessa. I drove them and took Bryce along for the ride and a mini vacation. At that time Utah didn't have any mask mandates in place-but Colorado did, so we went prepared for that. The mandate meant that pretty much anytime we were inside a public building, unless we were eating we would have to have a mask on.

The drive was long-8 hours to be exact. Lots of it was on a long twisty mountain road. 

The girls found ways to pass the time. 

We finally got to our hotel and then headed to find some dinner. 
Poor Bryce was so car sick from all the traveling by this point that we ended up just grabbing some pizza and heading back to our hotel. We barely made it to the room before he got sick. Poor kid-finally just went to sleep. 

Early the next morning it was off to softball camp fort he girls. We found out it was a baseball/softball camp combined and in their group they ended up being the only two girls. It took a day for the boys to warm up to them, but they finally did and they ended up having a lot of fun. 

While the girls were at softball camp everyday for 4 hours. Bryce and I would try to find things to do. He tried to fish at the little pond by the softball fields. There was also a park attached to it that he could play on. 
His favorite thing to do though, was to ride the gondula into town. He got good at spotting lots of animals along the way-he found beavers, and porcupines, and deer. 

We would also spend a lot of time hanging out in the hotel room building legos or reading.

One day after the camp we hiked to Bridal Veils falls-they were beautiful. The hike was a little bit strenuous because of the altitude, which we weren't used to, but it was worth it. 

We got to eat at lots of new places and try some new things. At times it was a little challenging to find things Bryce would eat, but he was always down for a milkshake. 

One afternoon we traveled to a nearby village. We ate lunch at a kind of sketchy restaraunt.
Then our plan was to go to a community hot spring. We didn't realize that with COVID restrictions-they only allowed 50 people in every 4 hours and that people got in line early and they went quick, so we missed out on getting tickets. We headed back home and saw another hot spring along the way. It was a "clothing optional" place-not realizing or being a little naïve-we ventured in. Me thinking that very few or not any would choose the no clothes option-um lets just say we were all a little bit educated and I tried to keep the kids eyes averted as much as possible, but we all saw a little more than we wanted to. I think the girls were mortified. We didn't stay too long before we headed out.
After 4 days of fun the camp had come to an end and it was time to say goodbye and head back home. 
A little more than half way home we stopped at The Hole in the Rock near Kanab. They have a unique type of zoo there were you can see and fee lots of different animals. Bryce had a blast. 

Then we stopped for lunch and then it was time to finish the trek. We hit a bad storm and Bryce ended up car sick again, but we finally made it back home. It was a fun trip. I'm glad we were able to go and see some parts of the country we had never seen before, but I sure was glad to be home.

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