Sunday, September 20, 2020

Not the Phone Call I wanted to get

I was playing pickleball one morning and I missed a call from Chloe. Then her coach called-right away I knew something was wrong. She told me to come to the field because Chloe was injured. Poor Girl took a softball right to the face-usually she has a face shield on, but didn't during a simple warm up drill, and it just happened to go wrong. The ball hit her right in the mouth. I had to take her to the dentist and orthodontist. The ball actually moved her teether a little bit, but they said her permanent retainer saved them from getting knocked out-she did have to have it adjusted a bit though. She was in a lot of pain and could hardly eat or talk for several days.
In tough girl Chloe fashion though she played in a softball tournament the next day.


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