Friday, January 10, 2020

80th Birthday

We celebrated my Grandma's (Rachel Marshall) 80th Birthday. We held the party at our house. We went with a Price is Right theme since that is her favorite game show.

One of my friends made her this awesome cake that looked like the wheel on price is right. My sister Tiffanie and I made cupcakes to go along with it.

My sister Mandy made a fun PLINKO game and the adults and kids all had a turn playing that and winning a prize. We also had a guessing game where we had to guess the price of items from the year she was born.

 Everyone had lots of fun just hanging out and catching up. It was good to get most of the cousins and lots of other family and friends together at the same time.

To end the game we had a "showcase showdown" and Grandma won a Roomba vacuum that she had been wanting.

Of course we took the opportunity to snap lots of family pictures while we had everyone together.

It was a great day celebrating a wonderful lady. Grandma has been a huge part of my life so I was glad I was able to do this for her. I think she was pretty surprised and really enjoyed herself.
Happy 80th Grandma!

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