Monday, August 12, 2019

Pine Lake

Chloe always wants to go camping for her birthday, so that's usually what we try to do. This year we weren't able to go right on her actual birthday, but we were able to go the following weekend instead. Between that and the new fishing pole we bought her she was pretty happy. She chose to go to Pine Lake a destination not to far from us that we had never been to before.
We headed out only to discover halfway there that Bryce had no shoes on and in fact had none with us at all. I really don't know how these things happen, but he just doesn't love to wear shoes and sometimes I forget to check. So anyways we tried to stop at a Dollar General-the only place along the way that might possibly have some-we did find some flip flops, but he couldn't tolerate or walk in them. So he pretty much went barefoot or wore Chloe's shoes the entire weekend. Oh Bryce!

Of course a campout isn't a campout without roasting some marshmallows.
The kids had a blast fishing. The fish were biting like crazy. They weren't big at all but they had fun reeling in one right after the other. Even Bryce was able to reel a few in all on his own. 

 They also had fun playing in the lake. Chloe and Beckett went for a little swim and then we all took turns paddling around the lake on the kayak. Even Beckett went out for a bit. One of our favorite things about this trip that as we were kayaking and fishing we could see little otters swimming around. The first time we saw them we weren't sure what they were. We had never seen otters in the wild before. It was pretty awesome. 

We had a lot of fun and will definitely be going back to this lake in the future. 
Happy Birthday Chloe Girl. I hope you always keep your love for adventure and free spirit. 

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