Sunday, August 25, 2019

Girls Camp and Youth Conference

In June Chloe had the opportunity to attend both girls camp and youth conference. For both she had to decide if she wanted to go to them or attend a camp or tournament with her sports teams. She decided to attend both instead of the camps. 
For girls camp they went to Park City. They were able to go to the Olympic Park while they were there and do all the fun adventure activities they offer. I think she had a good time.

For youth conference they didn't have to travel to far. They went and stayed at big rock candy mountain. While there they were able to participate in a ropes course, hikes, and white water rafting. They also had a speaker who came and spoke to them. She loved it!! I wish I had pictures ;(

I'm glad she was able to go and I hope by going she got to know the kids in our ward a little bit more. 

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