Sunday, August 11, 2019

Basketball and Softball Camps

The first day of summer vacation started with basketball camp. It was hard for Chloe. She got a text from her coach asking if she was planning on going and from there things got a little bit emotional. She cried. She said she wanted to quit. We were shocked-she never cries and basketball is something she has always been so good at. We didn't understand. We were frustrated and didn't know what was going on. We finally figured out that partly what was happening was that she actually had not been on the court since her concussion-this alone caused her some stress and anxiety that she just didn't understand. Add that to the stress of the softball season and we could finally understand where the tears were coming from. We talked through it and she ended up going to the camp. She even had fun; it just took her getting back out there. She even played in some of the varsity games, which she didn't want to do, and then afterwards said that it wasn't as hard as she thought it would be. We were just relieved to see her back on the court. 
Over the summer she attended two basketball camps and one for softball. The original plan was for her to go to more softball ones, but it just didn't work out because of her schedule with so many other things-girls camp, youth conference, vacations, etc. 
We are glad she was able to go to the ones she did though and hopefully she learned lots and had fun at them. 

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