Sunday, August 18, 2019

Jurassic Adventure

There is a dirt road about 30 minutes from our house, that if you drive down, leads to some dinosaur tracks. It is called the Warner Valley Dinosaur Track Site. We had been there years ago when Chloe was about Bryce's age. I thought it would be a fun thing to do. We invited Sandi to come along. We loaded the kids up and headed out. Things seemed to be going pretty good. The dirt road was bumpy and you could tell it hadn't really been maintained but it wasn't horrible. As we got closer to where we thought we should be it got a little worse and then things started to get really bad. The ruts and holes in the road were so bad at times we didn't know if we would make it. We found a spot to turn around after some scary four wheeling in the old explorer and got out our gps and that's when we discovered that we had somehow missed the turn. We went back and got on the correct road and we finally made it.

The kids were happy to get out and explore. The few tracks we were able to see were pretty neat, but you could tell the site hadn't really been kept up over the past few years and you couldn't see as many tracks as you once could and the ones that were there were really weathered down and not preserved well at all. I was a little disappointed but the kids were happy so I guess that's all that mattered. After exploring for a bit we loaded up and headed back home. 

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