Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Swim Lessons

Bryce took swim lessons again this year. He is really good at swimming already and pretty confident in the water, but we just wanted him to get stronger and learn new skills. Since he could pretty much swim independently most of what they worked on this year was arms and breathing. He did pretty good with his arms for being such a young kid. His breathing was hard. His teachers was trying to get him to breathe out of his nose and he just couldn't do it (he can't even really blow his nose). It was partly a sensory thing with him but he was super frustrated and to the point of not wanting to go back-and he loves to swim. I talked to his swim teacher and we decided that she would have him breathe out of his mouth instead of his nose and after that he was just fine. 

He did great in swim lessons and afterwards he was even more confident in the water. He now goes down all the local water slides life jacket free-something he wasn't doing last year. He also can dive down really deep to retrieve items, such as diving rings and stuff like that. And guess what a few weeks after swim lessons he taught himself how to breathe out of his nose. He was so proud of himself and so was I. #BryceEE

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