Sunday, July 14, 2019

Kanab Softball Tournament

The weekend after school got out we headed to Kanab for our Softball Tournament. We had initially rented a hotel, but after buying our trailer we decided to cancel the hotel and rent a spot at an RV Park instead and test it out.

Chloe's friend and team mate, Vanessa, came along with us.

The girls and Bryce had lots of fun. The absolutely loved the blue tooth radio feature on the trailer and lots of fun streaming songs and singing along. Bryce was pretty excited when they would let him choose the song-especially when he chose Baby Shark and they sang and did the actions with him-ha! The RV park was great, except for the fact that the pool wasn't open yet, and that disappointed the kids a little bit--they had been looking forward to a swim.  The trailer was comfy and cozy and much better that sleeping in a tent. It was nice to be able to make meals easily and have lots of groceries on hand without having to pack a bunch of coolers around with us. 
Chloe made us crepes for breakfast-YUM!
Smore's anyone?

 The tournament went okay. It was unusually cold for a tournament the end of May-good thing we had our portable heater and blankets. The team won a few and lost a few. Chloe struggled being able to hit, it was just super hard for her with the speed these girls were throwing compared to what she was used to in Varsity. Her knees were also really hurting her, but despite that she did catch quite a bit and even had a throw out. She also pitched a little bit.

You can tell from these pictures just how bad Chloe's knees are hurting her she was having a hard time getting up.

Bryce fell asleep during at the games during the first night-tired little guy.

I'm glad we have the opportunity to go to these things as a family and that Landon and I's jobs are such that we are able to.

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