Sunday, July 14, 2019

Our Decision to Buy a Trailer

Last year at the end of summer we threw our tent, which we have had for the past 12 years or more, away. It was trashed-the zippers didn't work, there were holes in it, it had served it's purpose. We also threw away our air mattress and said we were done. We were sick of blowing them up only to wake up on the ground the next morning. 
At the beginning of this year we talked about getting a new tent and possibly some cots. As Summer started to get closer we looked into which tent we should get and actually made a plan to purchase one. Then I saw an ad for a pop up trailer online. I mean that would be the next best thing to a tent. We went to look and started thinking in another direction. 
I had also seen lots of ads online for RV rental sites and the wheels started turning. What if we bought an RV but then also turned it into a business. If it worked out we could have an RV to use when we wanted to, but then if it worked out well also have enough income coming in from rentals that we wouldn't be adding an extra payment to our bills. We decided to go for it. We found a nice trailer, not a pop up trailer, we decided that if we were going to get one we might as well get one we could be comfortable in. 
Here it is-The WOLF PUP
So far we are super happy with it, and the rentals up to this point seem to be right where we need them to be, all of our renters have been courtesy and considerate, except for one. 
Hopefully we will have many years of fun adventures in our trailer just like we did in our tent. 

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