Sunday, March 10, 2019

Basketball Season-Highs, Lows, and Everything in Between

Chloe made the Freshman basketball team at Dixie High School. After her first game she pretty much earned her spot as starter and also a spot on the Sophomore team as well.

 She had a great season. We loved watching every game plus some. Since she played in both the freshman and sophomore games we would always stay for both of those and then just stay for the Varsity game as well. Which meant that every Tuesday and Thursday we were pretty much at basketball games for 4-5 hours. WE loved it though! Bryce was such a trooper and never really complained. We bought him some headphones and when he wasn't watching the games he would watch something on his Ipad. He also used the time to get his homework done.

 Chloe is a super aggressive player and it makes the games exciting. We invested in knee pads for her before the season was over to help protect her legs and knees just a little bit. Her coaches grew to love her and especially in the freshman games she rarely saw the bench for longer than a couple of seconds and sometimes not at all. Her team grew as a team and there was improvement from every girl on the team each game. We tried to do some things throughout the season to help the girls grow closer as a team. For one road trip Chloe and I made little treat bags with a cute saying for all the girls. Another weekend we hosted a team get together at our house. The girls had a great time and laughed together for hours-I didn't get a picture of the party.

 Unfortunately the freshman team never won a game all season :( This was frustrating and sad, but they did compete and several of their games went in to overtime or double overtime-they were that close. Luckily the Sophomore team won many of their games so Chloe did have some wins during the season.

SEASON HIGHLIGHTS: Some of the highlights during the season were things like Chloe hitting a 3 point shot, or making tons of foul shots from in a row. She was at the foul line a lot, so one of her goals was to really work on her foul shots. One time she got fouled on a 3 and made all 3 foul shots. Another time I think she had 10 points from the foul line (7 in a row without missing). One time she put the game into overtime by making her foul shots. Chloe also had several games in the season where she got a double double (double digits in both point and rebounds) and those games were probably some of the best. One of the funniest moments in the season was when Chloe was trapped and couldn't get a pass off to anyone so she bent down and hiked the ball between her legs to a teammate who made the basket-everyone got a kick out of that-it was so awesome.

SEASON LOW: Towards the end of the season Chloe got a concussion in one of her games. Her and another girl both got a rebound and in the fight over who would control it Chloe was brought to the ground and hit the back of her head on the gym floor. She stood up and I could tell she wasn't okay. The coaches asked her if she was okay and she said "yes" of course she did it's Chloe what else would she say! But I could tell she wasn't her voice did not sound right when she answered that and not only that but throughout the rest of the game she would keep touching her head like it was hurting. Yep it was. The fall caused her an instant headache. After the game she was checked out by the athletic trainer. He thought she was okay but told her to come back the next day to check in. The next morning the headache was still there and it was confirmed that she was definitely not okay. She in fact had a concussion-at the time he thought it was a mild concussion, but we would soon find out otherwise. At first we hoped it would last a couple of days. Then we hoped for a couple of weeks-both wrong. This meant that she missed the last 3 games of the season as well as the end of season tournament. It was super hard for her. It wasn't just the fact that she couldn't play it was also the excruciating pain she would be in just by sitting on the bench (caused by the noise and lights in the gym). This pain also stayed with her throughout the days and made it hard for her to even go to school. She did her best though and still made it to every game to support her team. Not a fun way to end the season but at least it was only her freshman year and she has three more years she can play. Hopefully once she's better she won't be scared to get back to it and play like she used to.

Despite the injury at the end of the season it was a fun year. We had fun getting to know a lot of the girls as well as their parents and can't wait for next year to roll around.

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