Sunday, March 10, 2019

Snow in St. George-TWICE!

We have had the strangest weather lately. We have had so much rain and even snow. Sometimes it will snow in St. George, but not very often. IF it does snow here it's usually like once a year an it melts pretty quickly barely leaving anything on the ground. We have had a few good snowstorms throughout the years where we have gotten quite a bit of snow that has actually stuck but I don't every remember getting 2 good snowstorms in one year. That is exactly what happened this year. 
The first time it was actually Presidents Day and we were out of town. We did get home in time to see it, but by the time the kids were ready to play in it, it had already started to melt.

Luckily there was round 2 a couple of days later. This time school had a delayed start, due to the fact that St. George City does not own any snow plows so they wanted kids to be able to travel to school safely. We took the opportunity of starting school and work late and went out to play. We spent part of the morning working on an igloo and after a hot chocolate run we hit a local park for a little sledding. Then we rushed to get home and changed and off to work and school for a couple of hours.

I'm glad we took the time to enjoy the snow. I'm also glad that we don't live somewhere where we have to deal with the snow a lot so we can enjoy it when it comes but then enjoy our nice warm weather the rest of the time.

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