Saturday, February 16, 2019

Valentine's Day

Bryce and I had fun making Valentines to hand out to his class and mine. We also made a couple for the cousins.
Bryce is still way into hot-wheels so we decided to go with that and make hot-wheels valentines. We found a cute tag on Etsy which we printed and stapled to the top of a hot-wheel car. Bryce wrote from Bryce on each one. The finished product was awesome and he was excited to hand them out to his classmates.

For my class and the cousins we made these cute "Bugs and Kisses Valentines". Also another find on Etsy.

On Valentines Day we each of the kids received a small Valentine treat and Landon and I each got each other something small. Mine were some treat filled balloon creations and chocolate covered strawberries. Landon got the New Johnny English DVD and a card.

The Young Women 'hearted' the yard for Chloe
Valentines Day we traveled to Cedar for the last basketball game of the season. Chloe wasn't playing cause she had a concussion-more to come on that in another post. But it was important for her to be there, plus we took Valentine's cookies for the team and coaches and also a blanket we had made for her coaches baby. It was a bittersweet day. 

After the game we had a dinner at Grandma Marshall's house. I think that was nice for her to be able to spend Valentines with someone. 

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