Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Sunday Morning Meltdowns

On Sundays we have church starting at 9:00 am. This means, especially after a long week of go, go, go, that sometimes it is hard to get up and get going. Most Sundays Bryce cooperates pretty well, but last week for some reason it just wasn't happening. To start with, he wanted Landon to wear his matching tie. Landon was already ready and didn't feel like changing. Bryce started crying and wanted nothing to do with it. Finally, after listening to the crying for about 10 minutes, Landon offered to let Bryce wear one of his ties. Bryce finally accepted, but that took a lot of creativity on Landon's part to get it to fit the little guy. Then right before it was time to go, Bryce decided it was bugging him too much so he took it off. SERIOUSLY!! HAHA! We just wasted 20 minutes on that tantrum. What do you do?!!!

 #Bryce #fournado

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