Monday, June 5, 2017

Academic Frustrations and Improvements

This year has had its ups and downs for Chloe, but I think that definitely more ups. Last year she wasn't happy at GWA she wanted to switch schools and she didn't want to come back this year. Certain things happened and she ended up coming back for another year, and she was glad she did. I think maybe the biggest factor in making her have a better year was that she had a wonderful homeroom teacher--Mr. Schwager. He challenged her to be a better person, not only in academics but in all aspects of her life. He also embraced Chloe's personality and applauded her for being herself. It was great for Chloe and we found her actually not wanting to miss school, but to make sure she was there. 
Math was a struggle for her it always has been, but this year more so than usual. She actual failed Math her last semester, Her and the teacher just didn't click and Chloe struggled all year, but the last semester she pretty much just gave up and quit even trying. It was frustrating for both of us. 
In most other subjects Chloe received A's with a few B's. 
Chloe's SAGE test scores, state tests, have always been a 2 pretty much across the board, The scores range from 1-4. 1 being the worst and 4 the best. Mr. Schwager told Chloe he knew she could get a 3 in science this year and Chloe really tried hard and she actually did. She was proud of herself and so was I. She actually ended up getting a 3 in Language Arts as well. So she saw improvement in two areas. Although she failed math her math scores in math stayed at a 2 so at least it didn't go down.
It's been an interesting year for sure, but I'm proud of the improvements Chloe has made and hope next year they will continue and she will continue to want to learn and improve herself-lets hope her new math teacher can get through to her. 

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