Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sometimes Life Throws a Cleat at Your Head

It had been a long week filled with daily ball games and late nights followed by early mornings, school  and work. I think we were all tired and just a little bit testy. I was trying to get everyone ready and out the door, and Bryce just wasn't handling things. He got super upset and started crying. He didn't want to get ready and started throwing a royal fit. I continued to get myself ready hoping that he would cry it out and he would be calmed down a little bit by the time I was ready to get him the rest of the way ready and that's when I was hit right upside the head with a baseball cleat.
It hurt-bad! (that kid has a serious arm and is deadly accurate) I was furious. I got really mad at Bryce, but after a few minutes I calmed down.
Later I laughed about it. I mean how could I not. I realized he was tired I mean we all were, and sometimes it just harder for little kids to deal with emotions and carry on when they haven't had proper rest.
I guess it's kind of like life though-you never know when something is going to hit you (whether literally or figuratively), but you've just got to shake it off, laugh about it and carry on. And it's okay if you take a few moments to be bad, as long as you can move past it.

I'm just glad it wasn't a metal cleat or I might have required some stitches.

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