Sunday, May 28, 2017


A few days ago headed home from a late night softball game I noticed my sensor in my car was telling me my tire was flat. I asked Landon to check it the next morning before he went to work, but of course he forgot and so I got up hurrying to get Chloe to school and noticed the more I drove the lower the air pressure was getting. Luckily I got her dropped off and made it back home. I attempted to air it up, but realized there was a serious problem, as every time  I would try to add air to it more air would come out the valve stem. The valve stem was broken, I didn't know what to do. None of my neighbors were home. Landon was super busy at work and I was a little bit mad at him for not checking it out before he went to work. And now Bryce needed to be a school and I needed to be at work in ten minutes. I decided just to go for it. I got Bryce loaded in and made it almost to his school when it went completely flat and I had to pull off the road. I was super upset and in tears. I called my sister she came and got Bryce and got him to school. I called Landon, and even though we didn't have the best conversation, he came to my rescue and got my spare put on. We were both frustrated and tired, but in the end he apologized and thankfully didn't leave me stranded. I was just a little bit late for work-thank goodness it was a Friday. The next day we took the tire in and luckily it was the one tire on our car that had full coverage so they installed a brand new tire for free and sent us on our way. 

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