Wednesday, May 31, 2017

T-Ball Season Review

T-Ball Season seemed to fly by. I can't believe it is already over. Bryce loved t-ball! He was really good a hitting and only had to hit off the tee a couple of times all season. He wasn't so good at running the bases, it wasn't that he didn't know how, he would just run so slow. I think the weight of his helmet and his cleats were just too much for his little body. HAHA! It will come though.He was the youngest one on his team and maybe in the whole league, so he still has two more years of t-ball. Landon wasn't able to make it to very many of his games, which was hard on him, because Chloe's were the same night and he had to coach, so hopefully next year the stars will align a little bit better.

We love our little Padre!

These last few pictures were professionally done and I am in love with them. I want to get them printed big and hung on the wall.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Bryce has had a rough go of sickness lately. I posted a few posts back about him being sick for his tea party, come to find out it was a double ear infection-which only got treated after the second time of taking him into the doctor-SUPER FRUSTRATING! Anyways he's had that. Before that he had strep throat and then just a week after the ear infection incident he got the stomach flu, which lasted a couple of days. It has been hard on him-poor kid just can't catch a break and seems to catch every thing that comes along. We also have had to do some juggling with my work and the kids school, to have someone stay home with him. The older kids have been so good to take turns staying home with him when he is sick, so I haven't had to miss too much work.
Hopefully this will be the end of his sickness for a while and he can stay healthy at least for the summer.


A few days ago headed home from a late night softball game I noticed my sensor in my car was telling me my tire was flat. I asked Landon to check it the next morning before he went to work, but of course he forgot and so I got up hurrying to get Chloe to school and noticed the more I drove the lower the air pressure was getting. Luckily I got her dropped off and made it back home. I attempted to air it up, but realized there was a serious problem, as every time  I would try to add air to it more air would come out the valve stem. The valve stem was broken, I didn't know what to do. None of my neighbors were home. Landon was super busy at work and I was a little bit mad at him for not checking it out before he went to work. And now Bryce needed to be a school and I needed to be at work in ten minutes. I decided just to go for it. I got Bryce loaded in and made it almost to his school when it went completely flat and I had to pull off the road. I was super upset and in tears. I called my sister she came and got Bryce and got him to school. I called Landon, and even though we didn't have the best conversation, he came to my rescue and got my spare put on. We were both frustrated and tired, but in the end he apologized and thankfully didn't leave me stranded. I was just a little bit late for work-thank goodness it was a Friday. The next day we took the tire in and luckily it was the one tire on our car that had full coverage so they installed a brand new tire for free and sent us on our way. 

Mothers Day

Another Mothers Day in the books. What I really wanted for Mothers Day was a picture with me and all the kids. Bryce was not having it-sometimes he can be a little pill when he makes his mind up about something-imagine that. Anyways this is the best I got. HAHA! At least the older two kids were smiling. 
I'm glad to have these kids and for the opportunity to be their mother, even if at times it can be a challenge. 

Friday, May 26, 2017

Mothers Day Tea Party

At preschool they had a Mother's Day tea party. I had arranged to go into work late that day so I could attend, and Bryce was so excited. But the morning of he woke up super sick-running a fever and just feeling horrible. He was so sad-he cried he really wanted to go to the tea party. 
Big sister to the rescue---she found her old tea set stored away in her closet and set Bryce and I up our own little tea party. He loved it, and had lots of fun.

He also had made me a card at preschool for the event, which I got later, here are some of the fun things it said on it.
My Mom is-30-years old.
Her favorite flower is-Purple.
My Mom always says-I love you.
Her favorite color is-purple.
My Mom makes the best-hot dogs.
She is so good at-painting.
My best memory of my mom is-cleaning with her.

Love you Bryce.

Mothers Day Pedicures

For Mother's Day my sisters and I gave my Mom and Grandma pedicures.
I made these cute cards to give them...

We celebrated a week early since that was when my mom was in town. Those of us who were able went and got one as well. It was a fun outing for us. We let Chloe join in the celebration-even though she isn't a mother. It was lots of fun and hopefully something we can do again.

Look at all our cute toes. My favorite part of the pedicure isn't so much the nail polish but the nice foot massage.

Taking matters into his own hands

Apparently I was taking too long when Bryce wanted some watermelon, so he just got it out of the fridge, grabbed a spoon, and went to town. HAHA! He loves his watermelon.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Basketball End of Season

Basketball Season has come to an end. It has had it's good and bad points.
 It was hard for Chloe to switch to a new team it was hard to go from being on a winning team to being on a losing team. It was hard waiting for girls to learn things she has been working on for the past year. It was hard adjusting to a new coach and his personality and way of coaching. It was hard learning a new position as a post, and switching back and forth between post and wing often. It was hard juggling three sports at the same time.
 However, she didn't give up. She played hard and she was aggressive. She saw lots of playing time. She learned her new position well, and even though her shot suffered the last half of the season she didn't give up and kept taking the shots. She earned her spot on the team. It was a hard move, but hopefully in the end it will pay off. 
The season is over for now, but she is going to continue playing-attending camps, and weekly training's and be even more ready when next season rolls around.

 Bryce has been such a trooper through all the many ball games. He usually manages to draw a crowd of kids who want to play with him.
Proud of you Chloe Girl. I know it hasn't been easy, but you make me proud to be your Mom.

Bring Your Child to Work Day

 A few weeks ago it was bring your child to work day. Chloe didn't really want to come to work with me, because she wanted to get away from school for the day. Landon's work has some restrictions and stuff, so he wasn't sure if he would be able to take her or not, plus Chloe thought his job sounded boring. HAHA. Our good friend Lisa Costanza offered to let Chloe go with her, she is an interior designer. Chloe loved it and had a great time. 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sometimes Life Throws a Cleat at Your Head

It had been a long week filled with daily ball games and late nights followed by early mornings, school  and work. I think we were all tired and just a little bit testy. I was trying to get everyone ready and out the door, and Bryce just wasn't handling things. He got super upset and started crying. He didn't want to get ready and started throwing a royal fit. I continued to get myself ready hoping that he would cry it out and he would be calmed down a little bit by the time I was ready to get him the rest of the way ready and that's when I was hit right upside the head with a baseball cleat.
It hurt-bad! (that kid has a serious arm and is deadly accurate) I was furious. I got really mad at Bryce, but after a few minutes I calmed down.
Later I laughed about it. I mean how could I not. I realized he was tired I mean we all were, and sometimes it just harder for little kids to deal with emotions and carry on when they haven't had proper rest.
I guess it's kind of like life though-you never know when something is going to hit you (whether literally or figuratively), but you've just got to shake it off, laugh about it and carry on. And it's okay if you take a few moments to be bad, as long as you can move past it.

I'm just glad it wasn't a metal cleat or I might have required some stitches.

Quilts 23, 24, 25, 26-HALFWAY to 52

Quilts 24, 25, 26, 27 I'm halfway to my goal.

24 and 25 aren't shown one was a BYU one I made for one of the girls I go visiting teaching to, and the other had cute frogs on it and it was made for a girl I used to go visiting teaching to.

This one was a patchwork one I made for my friend Brittany (Brydee's Mom). Quilt 26
This cute elephant one was made for Chloe's young women's leader and yes Chloe helped me tie it. Quilt 27

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


We had a fun Easter. Miss Gay threw a fun party for the kids and their parents complete with a picnic and Easter egg hunt.

 We dyed eggs with my sister Tiffanie and her kids.

 Chloe is obsessed with pineapples right now, so it was only fitting she made a pineapple Easter egg.

 We went to Fillmore for the weekend. Landon's whole family was there. We spent some time on Saturday at the sand hills, which is an Ellison family tradition. We had fun playing in the sand, playing baseball, and eating some good food. Plus for once the weather was actually really nice so that made it even more enjoyable.

 Being around so many cousins can sometimes be exhausting. At one point I found Bryce asleep in my suitcase-haha poor little guy was flat spent.
 Sunday we opted to stay home and do a little service project instead of going to stake conference. The kids thought that it was pretty fun burning stuff in the burn barrels especially when the fire got a little big.
 We had a great weekend hanging out. The kids loved playing with their cousins. They never want to leave when it's time to head back home.
 I had to get a picture of them in their new Easter clothes, even if it was a week later, and neither one of them was cooperating very well.