Sunday, April 9, 2017

Spring Break Day 4

Day 4 consisted of some shopping for cactus and a trip to the Natural History Museum. My mom had to work, so it was just the kids and I.

Chloe is obsessed with cactus and suculants right now so she wanted to collect a few to bring home, I think we ended up with about 4. After shopping for cacti we headed to the Natural History Museum.

Bryce had so been looking forward to going here, and the thing he was most excited to do was pan for gold. The kids actually both loved that, and I think we spent more time there than anywhere else. Of course the dinosaurs were also a big hit, although Bryce didn't like the animated ones and refused to have his picture taken by any of them as there was no way he was turning his back on them. Also pretty cool and interesting was the hall of ancient people. We spent several hours there and had fun exploring.

Afterwards we grabbed some lunch at KFC and made a quick stop at Wal-Mart to grab a few things for the trip back home, and then went back to Grandma's house to hang out for the rest of the day.

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