Friday, April 21, 2017


Around here we are up to our ears in slime. It's everywhere. It has taken over the backyard, it is stuck in Chloe's carpet, I constantly find my good Tupperware filled with it, and every time I turn around it seems like Chloe is mixing up another batch.

Apparently slime is a big craze right now. So big that for a while it was actually hard to buy plain Elmer's glue. It would leave the shelves as fast as the stores got it in, and the gallon jugs on Amazon were on backorder for at least a month. Luckily the glue has become easier to get, but the slime craze keeps going.
Chloe and her friends took it one step further than just making it for fun and actually started making and selling it on Instagram. They plan to use the money they earn for a fun day out. I'm glad they are using their creative juices I just wish all the mess wasn't going on with it-HAHA!

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