Saturday, March 26, 2016

Love Notes

I few weeks ago I was just kind of having a bad day. Things weren't going exactly as planned and I felt like I was getting nothing accomplished. On top of that I ate something that adversely affected me and I was not feeling that great. Landon and I were supposed to go to the temple that night. I wanted to just go do initiatories, but he wanted to do a full session. After my day I just didn't think I could. I was frustrated about everything. We decided to go separately instead of together to do our own thing. Honestly even though it shouldn't have it made me even more frustrated and kind of mad at Landon since this was supposed to kind of be like our date night. Well after I got done at the temple I felt a lot better. I wasn't so mad and frustrated. When I got to my car I found a note on the windshield of my car. That note changed my whole day and night and made everything better. I know Landon really does care about me and love me, sometimes its hard to remember cause our lives our so busy and he has so many responsibilities between work, church callings, and the kids. But it's worth it, and I wouldn't want to be married to anyone else. We ended up having a great date night after all plus we made it to the temple without canceling so even better.

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