Sunday, June 14, 2015


Chloe has been wanting to go zip-lining for awhile now. A few months ago I saw an awesome deal on Groupon for zip-lining up Provo Canyon. I looked at the available dates and figures we could probably make it happen sometime close to her birthday. So I bought one for her and Landon. Then I kept my mouth shut-she had no clue until the day before we took her that this is what she was getting for her birthday-she was ecstatic. She loves adventure and trying new things. Too bad the only day we could work it out was the same day as Brenda and Cam's wedding. We were able to make it to the wedding without any problem but we just ended up missing the reception/luncheon. However, I think it was worth it in the end.
Here are Chloe and Landon suited up to go...
Headed out-they haul them up to the first zip line in this...

While they were hitting the zip lines Bryce and I wandered around the hills. He love going down by the stream and throwing rocks in and climbing on the logs. He was happy to just be outside.

The zip-lining adventure consists of 5 zip-lines. Chloe was the youngest in her group and they all loved her. They let her go first every time except for the time Landon went first so he could video her coming in. The group could not believe it when Chloe jumped off the first line without a second thought. I could her them cheering for her clear back at the base camp. At another one of the jumps they sang happy birthday to her.
At the top...
Getting ready to jump...

All smiles...she was loving it.
The last zip-line goes right over camp so I was able to get this video of Landon.
At the same time I was trying to video Bryce yelled "Mom, Mom, come here" and took of running. Come to find out he had spotted a couple of deer. He was able to get super close to them. He was so excited-definitely the high-light of his trip. He told everyone afterward that he had seen reindeer. LOL
I'm pretty sure it was a successful birthday surprise. Chloe loves to receive trips and adventures for her birthday rather than things. Her birthday's so far have consisted of camping trips, swimming with the dolphins, and zip-lining. Who knows what's next maybe some white water rafting or a hot air balloon ride? I'm sure whatever it is it will be exciting though. Just like our little Chloe-she can have an attitude at times but she sure keeps life interesting and fun-it would be pretty boring without her smile and energy in our lives.

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