Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Ants!!! Every summer it happens the ants come out in full force. It's bad enough when they are outside-but then they come in. It seems like I just get them under control in one room or area of the house and then they pop up in another. It is so frustrating-the yard is professionally sprayed regularly by a pest control company-yet still they don't go away. I have tried everything in my house to get rid of them from plain old pest control to natural remedies. Stuff seems to work for awhile, but then they just pop up somewhere else. I am so over ants! I think I hate them more than any bug alive! At least there is relief when the fall and winter roll around-they only seem to be a huge problem during the summer. HOPEFULLY I can get them under control soon though and won't have to battle them for the next 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!!

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