Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Washington Rec Center

Last week I took Bryce, Chloe, and Brydee swimming to the Washington City Rec Center. Bryce loved it! The only problem though is that he thinks he is a big kid so he doesn't just nicely play in the shallow water where I can sit and watch him-no he wants to be following his two sisters ;) around and gets worried if he can't see them. He also wants to be going down the hydro tube which requires Mom's help. And lets not forget the lazy river-he thought that was the best thing ever and he did not want me to touch him while he was swimming in it he kept telling me he could do it by his self. I would have to periodically drag him out to warm him up. Since he has not fat on his bones he tends to get cold really easily-he starts shivering and his lips even turn blue (Tanner was the same way when he was little). So yeah I wasn't able to snap any pictures of the little tyke in the water cause I was too busy chasing him, but I did manage to snap one of the BFF's :)

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