Monday, February 2, 2015

2 Year Check-Up

 Last week Bryce went in for his two year check-up. He weighed 24 lbs (8th percentile) and was 33 inches tall (22nd percentile). His Body Mass Index is 15.5 (19th percentile). He is a very healthy and happy boy. The doctor asked if he knew at least 50 words-I told him he has 50 words just in animals and that he mainly speaks in 2-3 word sentences. He said that we are lucky cause Bryce is very very bright for his age. After going over the milestones the acquire at two-speaking in 2-4 word sentences, kick a ball and run, etc-Bryce had pretty much already met every single one. The only one he hadn't met was sorting colors and shapes-we have started working on colors a little bit. So I guess he will be working on is colors and shapes for now and then onto the 3 year milestones.

 Every-time we go to the doctor he give Bryce one of these tape measures and lets him bring it home. Bryce loves it!

A few things about Bryce at 2.
His favorite foods-frosted mini wheats, cheerios, hot dogs, fries, chips, and candy canes.
He loves animals and books and has started really liking to color.
He does not like Nursery-we have been trying for 6 months unsuccessfully to get him to go. He also doesn't want to be potty trained-he gets upset every time he poops in the potty so we are working on that but it might be awhile.
He is becoming more and more independent everyday and throws some pretty good tantrums if he can't do something the way he wants to.
He is super smart and has a funny sense of humor.
He is a joy to have around.

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