Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ward Division

There have been rumors for months that our Ward was getting split-Landon being in the bishopric knew that the announcement would come by the end of the year. A few weeks ago we got a call to meet with the Stake President-we were a little bit nervous speculating-was he just getting released or getting called into a new position in one of the bishoprics and what were the new boundaries going to be? 
We finally go to the appointment and he told us that two wards would be split into three. We would be in the boundaries of the brand new ward. They were just going to release Landon, but the new bishop had requested him as his second counselor. Landon accepted. He told him that they might only keep him in for the first year since he had already been serving for quite awhile-but we will just have to wait and see what happens. 
I have struggled with the change just a little bit-through the changes many of my close friends, those I look up to, and those whom have become kind of like family over the past 8 years will now be in a different ward. Plus Landon will be on the stand and I will be alone during most of the time at church to try and make new friends and adjust-I know it seems a little silly to some-but I have shed many tears. I know things will be okay though and that those people I have grown to love I will still have chances to associate with-I just won't be seeing them on a weekly basis. Also I have realized I have a few close friends who will remain in our ward and through this our friendship has already been strengthened. 
I am very proud of Landon and that fact that he is not only worthy but willing to serve in this calling-I know that we have truly been blessed through his service. This year may be rough as they try to get the ball rolling in a brand new ward but I know it will be worth it in the end.

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