Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ice Skating with Scouts

Last night Landon and I took on quite a venture we took 8 cub scouts and Chloe ice skating. Can you believe it? and the best part is the activity went off without a hitch and all the kids had lots of fun.

The boys were all so excited to be going. When we first got there they were so excited to hit this ice, but once they actually HIT it a few times the decided maybe it wasn't all it was cracked up to be a few of them even shed tears and gave up and times, but in the end they all tried again and got the hang of it. Two of our boys were pros from the minute they hit the ice but for most of them it was a little bit of a challenge. Tanner has the bruises on his knees to prove it. They all had fun though. Chloe was a little trooper. She fell down time and time again but would not let us help her she had so much fun. When it was time to go home all the boys got off the ice but Chloe headed around for another lap I had to drag her off.

It is so cute how all the boys are so used to Chloe being with us that they all treat her like their little sister or some of them treat her more like a little princess. At the end we were all getting some hot chocolate somehow the bench fell over on Chloe and she was in tears all the boys were surrounding her trying to comfort her and make her feel better. One of the boys said "someone get her some hot chocolate" and someone promplty did. How would it feel to have 8 big brothers?
The kids were so tired after all that fun. Chloe fell asleep and stayed asleep on the way home from dropping off the boys and Tanner climbed into bed as soon as we got home without us even asking him and was out.
We had a fun time!

1 comment:

Kaysie said...

haha! Michael said "Ice skating with the scouts? sounds like a terrible adventure." you guys are awesome :)