Monday, February 1, 2010

14 Days of Valentines

Here is a good idea for valentines for your hubby, it's cheap and simple and overall meaningfu. My sister Mandy saw this idea on tv and told me she was going to do it for Cody for V-Day. I thought it sounded like a good idea so I followed suite. I made this for Landon mostly just out of scraps I had and with the cricut cartridige-bags, tags, boxes--it is the cakebox one. However you could cut it out by hand if you wanted to-my sister did.

In each day you put a reason why you love them. Then they get to open one a day up to Valentines Day. Then on the 14th you have a little surprise-exp(gift card to favorite restaraunt).


Kaysie said...

so so cute :)

mandy85 said...

I think yours turned out so so cute. I haven't been on the comupter for a while it looks like you guys have been having tons of fun.