Wednesday, February 17, 2010

10 Gatorades for under $2

Last week Smith's was having this deal but they are running it again this week so I thought I'd post about it. It is part of the Daytona Event-which is if you buy 10 participating items you get an immediate $3 off. Well this makes the Gatorade .69 a piece wyb 10. But to make this an even sweeter deal stack with 5 of the $1/2 gartorade coupons from the Sunday Papers and you get them for .19 a piece or $1.90 for 10.
FYI if you don't get the Sunday paper and want coupons you can order on Ebay. If you order at the first of the sale you should usually get them in time to shop or at least get a rain check if everything is gone. I ordered 10 more gatorade coupons yesterday so I can get 20 more bottles. Granted when you order them it makes the cost a little higher to factor in the cost of the coupons, but I figure the ones I bought will make my gatorade be about .39 a bottles which is still a steal in my opinion.

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