Friday, October 10, 2008

My Little Picaso

Chloe Loves Preschool. Her favorite center is the kitchen center. She loves to play in there with her new friends. However a close second for her is the art center. She loves to do art projects, as anyone who knows her obsession with paint and scissors could attest to. This picture of her is with two of her masterpieces she made at school. Our fridge is now covered in artwork once again just like it used to be when Tanner was in preschool and kindergarten. One day Landon asked Chloe what she did at preschool and she said we just played, and played, and played, and ate, and ate, and ate. He thought that was pretty funny. Good way to describe Mom's job right. I really do look forward to work alot more this year I think having her in my class is the reason why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chole, I'm glad you love to paint and do other kinds of art. And I bet you will be a great cook and mommy when you grow up.