Saturday, October 10, 2020

A Puppy Surprise

 While Tanner, Bryce and I were at Jaden and Dani's wedding Landon and Chloe were in Salt Lake at a softball tournament. We had been looking at a few puppies online and they were going to go and check a few out an possibly put a deposit down on one if they found a suitable match. Then the plan was to pick it up a few weeks later when we went back up for more games.

Imagine out surprise when Landon and Chloe got back home with puppy in tow. They had not only found one, but purchased it as well, and since it was 7.5 weeks and just a few days short of 8 weeks the breeder had them just bring it home instead of waiting 2 more weeks.

After a lot of debating we named him MAVERICK. He is a bernedoodle. Father is a Poodle and Mother is a Bernese Mountain Dog. Bernedoodle is a newer breed-considered a designer breed. His coloring is considered tri-merle. We love him so much already. Mookie is glad to have a little brother. 

I think he will be a great addition to our family.

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