Thursday, October 1, 2020

First Day of School

We were pretty lucky in the fact that we actually got to go back to school in person on the regular scheduled start date. A lot of schools went back late or did part online and part at school or went totally online. Our school district believes that children need to be physically in the classroom and I agree. The students and teachers were required to wear masks and there were a lot of new COVID protocols in place, but despite that it was just good to go back.

Also luckily Bryce has a mask exemption, because of a 504 Plan and his sensory processing disorder, so at anytime if he needs to or wants to have his mask off he can. :)

Bryce 2nd Grade
He is really into Harry Potter right now so his lunch box and backpack are all harry potter things. 

First Day back for me and him both. 
Somehow Bryce and Preslie ended up in the same class again this year-Mrs. Holt
Chloe is a Junior this year and getting a picture goes as follows. LOL

Being back in school was exhausting on the little guy, especially after being out for so long. For the first week he would be asleep by 5:30 every night. 


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