Saturday, April 18, 2020

Two Front Teeth

Bryce's  2 front teeth have been loose for forever. Not joking at least 5 months. The dentist said not to worry to much about it unless they started to hurt him. Part of the reason they just were loose in his mouth was because he doesn't eat anything very hard or crunchy most of the foods he eats are soft. 
Well one day at school he comes home with a tooth necklace, they give them one if they loose a tooth at school to put their tooth in for safe keeping. I asked him how he lost a tooth and he said-someone hit him in the mouth in P.E., on accident, and knocked it out-haha poor kid, what a way to finally lose his tooth.
Then about a week later him and Tanner were play wrestling and Tanner accidentally hit his mouth with his knee and the other tooth popped out. So Bryce literally had both his teeth knocked out.

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