Saturday, September 7, 2019

Grocery Store Run Away

Bryce did something he has never done before while we were shopping at Wal-Mart. He ran from me. Apparently he didn't like something I had told him and he was already in a touchy mood so what did he do he just took off running. I mean I couldn't see him anywhere. I was so angry and upset. At first I searched frantically for him getting madder and more upset. Then I thought to myself I bet he hasn't gone to far he can probably see me even if I can't see him. So I went on like I was headed to get the rest of my groceries and a few seconds later there he was following me. I grabbed him and didn't let go until we got out of the store. I talked to him and grounded him from going in stores for at least a week. I hope this doesn't continue to happen its definitely not something I want to deal with again.
Oh yes and I almost forgot the best part of this whole fiasco-he said to me "this is why I never wanted a mother" Seriously Chloe and I couldn't help laughing at that one.

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