Monday, September 9, 2019

4th of July Celebration

We love celebrating Holidays. We also love inviting people over and hosting events or get togethers. What better reason to throw a party than to celebrate the 4th of July. 

We invited both my sisters who live in town and their families, my good friend Lisa, and our family friends for years Amy and Fallyn and their families. 

Of course we needed fireworks. All of the kids were happy to hit up a few firework stands with me. I did pretty good staying within the budget I had set for myself. Bryce was able to convince Tanner to buy him a couple extra items ;)
 We hung up a few decorations. 
 And rented an inflatable water slide. It was a few minutes late getting to our house so the kids waited as patiently as they could while it got set up. 
 Finally it was up and they were ready to go.
It was the perfect slide because the youngest up to adults to could do it, and most people tried it at least a few times. The kids didn't stop. They were on it constantly all day long!!

 They would take little breaks now and then to get warmed up or have something to eat and then they were back at it. Literally they played on it non stop for almost 4 hours. 

Later in the afternoon we all took a little break and some of us tried to catch a nap while we waited for it to get dark so we could do fireworks.

Between what we had purchased and everyone else brought we had a pretty legit firework show. We had no casualties, although Chloe came close to taking off her hear-not really but she could have-at least that's what the picture looked like. 

We had a great day. The kids and adults all enjoyed it and we are already looking forward to next year. Happy Independence Day! #America

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