Saturday, June 8, 2019

An Early Morning Call to 911

What should have been a great weekend ended on a bad note. Landon's parents were in town as well as my Mom and Grandma to see one of Chloe's softball games. My sister Tiffanie and her kids came to support as well. The game went great. Chloe pitched varsity and the team got their 1st and only win of the season. It was awesome to have all the family there to see it. 
Afterwards my Grandma and Mom went to a hotel for the night and Landon's parents came to our house to stay. We had a nice visit and then went to bed-we were all pretty tired, especially Chloe. 

At about 3 in the morning a heard a big crash. I didn't know what it was but I woke Landon up and told him I thought someone had fallen. He jumped out of bed to go and investigate. Sure enough his Dad had somehow tumbled down our entire flight of stairs. It was horrible to find him like that and very traumatic. I quickly called 911. Amidst all off the chaos everyone woke up. The kids watched anxiously from atop the stairs. There was a lot of blood and we weren't exactly sure what was wrong, but at least he was being responsive. Soon enough the paramedics arrived and took him to the hospital. Landon drove his Mom and they followed behind. 

After that the two younger kids and I couldn't really sleep so we all piled into my bed and watched some early early morning cartoons while we awaited news from the hospital.
We finally heard back and luckily he was okay. He had to have some stitches on his head and be put in a sling because he broke his collar bone. We were so glad he was okay and that it wasn't any worse. I know it was pretty traumatic for everyone especially Landon who was the one who found him. Hopefully we never have to call 911 again but super grateful that something like that exists for when you do need it. 

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