Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Flag Football

This year we tried something new for our family-flag football. None of our kids have ever played football before. We felt like Bryce needed a physical activity to help him not be so bored and have so much down time. So we decided to give flag football a go. 
It was a good decision. Flag Football for 5 year olds is seriously one of the cutest and funniest things ever. Not only is it cute to watch but the boys were actually learning stuff. Their coach would even hold a practice every week, which was awesome. The first game Bryce was really timid, but after that he really started to get into it. He learned how to run with the ball and what to do it he caught it. He caught on to this part really well and would score multiple touch downs every game. He was fast, once we got him running without stopping. He did get tackled a few times (on accident) and another time lost his shoes in the play-HA! He did great though. At the beginning of the season he would run holding the ball out in front of him, but by the end he was learning to tuck it under his arm and run. The only thing he didn't really pick up on was the defense, sure he knew he was supposed to pull a flag and he would chase the other boys, but no matter how hard his coach and us tried we couldn't quite get him to do it. He never pulled one flag all season. LOL. Oh well, if he plays football when he is older he better stick with the offense. 

I hope he plays again. He says he's not, but that's just typical Bryce, he always says the opposite of what you want to hear not matter what-just to be stubborn, so I guess we will see what next year brings. 

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